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Event date: February 1, 2025

Start time: 7:30a

Distances: Short course (8.3 miles)

                   Long course (13.5 miles)

                   25k (16.5 miles)

Cut offs: 10:30a at the Bacon Station, 12:30p at Zindel (subject to change based on weather and trail conditions)

Venue: Restless Oaks Restaurant (outside pavilion)

Packet pick up: Starting at 6:00a on race day. Friday night registration @ Oregon Hill Winery McElhattan, 1/31/25 6:00p-8:00p!

Registration date/time: September 24, 2024 @ 9:00p

Cost: $90

Participant cap: 300 total

  • Short course: 50 participants

  • Long course: 225 participants

  • 25k: 25 participants

This is an OUTDOOR event. The fantastic folks at Restless Oaks Restaurant have agreed to allow us to use their pavilion, which we will weatherize as much as possible. If you are in the area, please stop in, grab some good grub and thank them for their hospitality. Our event would NOT be possible without them. Since this is a completely outdoor event, there will be no showers available to runners as there was in the past when the event was held at the US Army Reserve Center..

Please note: if you are going into the restaurant, you MUST order food. It is NOT a place to change clothes, etc. Please change your shoes, muddy clothes, etc. prior to entering the restaurant so as not to leave a muddy/wet mess for Restless Oaks staff. They are being very generous with the use of their facilities. Please be respectful.



Long Course:

Length: 13.5 +/- miles

Total Elevation Gain: 5,800 + feet

Elevation Gain Per Mile: 423 feet

Toughest Single Climb: 1,300 feet (The Beast - ground distance 2,900 feet)

Aid Stations: Zindel Park and the Bacon Station (bottom of The Avenue)


Short Course:

Length: 8.3 +/- miles

Total Elevation Gain: 3,775 + feet

Elevation Gain Per Mile: 454 feet

Toughest Single Climb: 1,100 feet (Barb's KMA Trail - about 1 mile)

Aid Stations: Zindel Park and the Bacon Station (bottom of The Avenue)

Length: 16.5 +/- miles
Total Elevation Gain: ~6,400 feet
Elevation Gain Per Mile: ~388 feet
Toughest Single Climb: 1,300 feet (The Beast - ground distance 2,900 feet)
Aid Stations: Zindel Park and the Bacon Station (bottom of The Avenue)



  • Breakfast items will be served prior to the event.

  • Food and refreshments will be available after the race.

  • We will have a variety of menu options to meet special dietary needs (vegan, vegetarian, keto, paleo, etc.) HOWEVER, all food items are first come, first served. We cannot guarantee that we will not run out of these items. Runners with special dietary needs are encouraged to bring their own food/snacks just in case.

  • We do our absolute best to ensure that all participants, even the "back-of-the-pack-ers", have a variety of food options available to them at aid stations and at the start/finish. Depending on the course, weather, and a variety of other factors, food items that we end up having way too much of one year could run out the next year, and vice versa. It is nearly impossible to anticipate exactly how much food to purchase, but we try our best and more often than not, we are successful at this.

Did we mention the Bacon Station??

Picture it. You've just come off Gut Check. You're four and a half miles in but it feels like 400. You're tired, hungry, and maybe a little thirsty. You're thinking of packing it all in. Just then, your olfactory glands catch a familiar scent: the sweet, smokey, beautiful smell of bacon. It's not a mirage -- you've reached The Bacon Station.

The Bacon Station is just that: an aid station centered around bacon, sausage, and whatever else Mike Haffley, Scott Lippy, and their team cook up. You'll never want to leave, but don't stay long -- The Avenue is next.

A special thanks to our volunteers at The Bacon Station, as well as Steve Stevenson and his Leadership Clinton County Alumni team at the Zindel aid station!


  • You are responsible for understanding race rules and expectations before you begin the event. Pre-race announcements with specific details about the course will begin at 7:25a on race day. We will also send a runner's guide via email (and post it on our Facebook page) 7-10 days prior to the event -- please read this, and pay attention to the pre-race announcements on race day. 

  • Participants must be at least 16 years old unless an exception is issued by the race team. Exceptions may be granted to those under 16 who -- by their trail/race experience -- show that they are capable of completing this course. Any participant under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (i.e. the parent/guardian must be registered for the event and must run with the underage participant the entire race). Email if you would like us to consider your child for an exception -- even if you have been granted an exception in the past.

    • Participants under 16 years old are officially registered on race day. You may NOT register a child under the age of 16 with a false age/birthdate in order to bypass the RunSignUp age limit. If we find that you've registered a minor with a false birthdate, you and the minor will be removed from the event and you will not receive a refund. 

    • We take this policy very seriously, for the safety of all involved in this event. If you receive an exception to register a child under the age of 16 and we find that you did not run with them as required, you will be disqualified and you will not receive a refund.

  • All participants are REQUIRED to have available (wearing or in your pack) some sort of traction device, such as Kahtoola Microspikes, Hillsound Trail Crampons, Yaktrax or "screw shoes" (shoes with short sheet metal screws in the sole to provide traction). ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Running or hiking in winter conditions on a challenging course requires preparation and planning for your clothing and gear. Trekking poles, no cotton clothing, and an extra pair of socks in your pack are recommended.

  • The race director reserves the right to not let a person start if he feels that an entrant is not suitably equipped or dressed.

  • The course will be very well flagged. Cutting the course in any way is not allowed. If you find that you've gone off trail, you must re-enter the course where you left in order to continue. 

  • There are cutoffs on the course. These are not negotiable. Aid station captains and trail marshals also have the authority to pull you from the event if they believe you are physically incapable of continuing. Their decisions are final. 

  • If you are miss a cutoff or are unable to complete the course, you must notify an aid station captain and surrender your race bib. There are no exceptions to this rule. Due to the nature of this event, it is imperative that the race team is able to account for each participant. If you leave the event without notifying race personnel, or refuse to surrender your bib, you will be banned from future events.

  • Historically, one of the (semi) unique things about this event is the ability to change distances during the event. Moving forward, participants signed up for the long course will only be able to drop down to the short course during the event. This is for safety reasons -- we do not want participants who are exhausted after the first leg of the event to feel pressured to climb the Beast (the toughest climb of the course) and ultimately end up getting hurt. Participants signed up for the short course will NOT be permitted to increase to the long course. 

  • Runners who drop down from the long course to the short course during the event must notify the race timer of the change as soon as they cross the finish line.

  • Sweepers are not racers’ personal trash collectors. If you eat/drink along the course, please pack it away in your pocket/bag or carry it to the next aid station and dispose of it. Any participant caught littering on the course will be disqualified.

  • Violations of race rules will result in disqualification or removal from the event. The race team also reserves the right to deny you entry into any future events.

  • There are no bib transfers, deferrals, or bandits for this event. No exceptions.

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